Frequently asked questions

For your convenience, we've answered some of our most frequently asked questions below. If you have more questions about Charter Bus Lansing, please give us a call! Our agents are standing by and always happy to help!


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How much does it cost?

Cost varies depending on several factors, such as the size of the vehicle and the length of the rental. For an exact quote, please give us a call!

How far can I travel?

As far as you need! Our charter buses can take you wherever you need to go!

How many people can fit on a bus?

We have various sized buses with different maximum capacities. When you call for your quote, let us know how many people you're expecting to have and we can let you know what bus or buses will best accommodate your needs!

My group would like to make a few stops in between destinations. Can we do that?

Of course! One of the perks to choosing a charter bus for your group travel is the customizable routes!

Are the buses comfortable?

Absolutely! Our buses have comfortable reclining seats and several amenities to give all the comforts of home, such as TVs and DVD players!

Can I bring luggage?

Yes, our buses all have luggage space!

Our featured vehicles

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Charter Bus Lansing

We offer the most spacious, comfortable and reliable travel accommodations.

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